Hundred’s gather at Wolf Pen Creek park in College Station for a day to celebrate the Earth, promote recycling, and enjoy each others company. Participants in the festival ranged form Girl Scouts of America, to Mathnasium, a math oriented learning program.
Photo By: Spencer Russo
Texas Master Naturalist representatives speak to a women during the Earth Day festival at Wolf Pen Creek park
Photo by Spencer Russo -
A young boy inspects a display from the Texas Master Naturalist
Photo by Spencer Russo -
A boy races across a ropes course presented by Trail Life USA
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Earth Day Festival
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Children partake in making birds nests from various supplies
Photo by Spencer Russo -
A display illustrates the transition butterflies go through to reach their final form of life
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Camp Invention encourages fun re-purposing of old or broken electronic equipment
Photo by Spencer Russo -
A small boy nervously holds a snake under the careful supervision of adults
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Ambassador’s from Sea Grant take down their display and safely transfer fish into a container to go back home
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Earth Day Festival
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Two Bryan Police Officers pose in front of their cruiser while enjoying the Earth Day Festival at Wolf Pen Creek park
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Representatives from the city of Bryan’s Recycling Center pause for a moment for a photo
Photo by Spencer Russo -
A women hands a child a bag filed with recycled toys
Photo by Spencer Russo -
Brazo’s Valley Earth Day Festival volunteers hold hand made signs made from recycled materials
Photo by Spencer Russo