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The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion

The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion


Corps/engineers meme

Satire: A&M announces new 35 by 35 plan

Charis Adkins April 1, 2023

Following the completely faultless success of both the “March to 3,000” and “25 by 25” initiatives, Texas A&M has announced yet another recruitment program — and this time, they’ve got...

Aggies pose beside the 12th Man sign on Saturday, March 31.

Opinion: The 12th Woman

Maddie McMurrough March 31, 2023

Texas A&M, historically, was an all-male school until 1963. Prior to the admittance of women, they were bussed over to campus to enjoy the social aspects of the university as the male students’ plus...

Currently, e-cigarettes and other vaping products are included in Texas A&M’s smoking and tobacco policies, and they can be used in some designated areas around campus.

Opinion: The definitive case for vaping

By Saanya Troutman @saanyalache March 31, 2023

Get a quick waft of the air — what do you smell? The blooming flowers on George Bush Libraries lawn? Or, the spring water in Rudder fountain? I can tell you what I smell — overpowering sweet watermelon-flavored...


Satire: A&M to outsource academic advising to ChatGPT

Ana Sofia Sloane March 31, 2023

“With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.” Coming from the king of modern technology himself, Elon Musk’s prophecy regarding the doomed future of artificial intelligence, or AI,...

Dr. Anthony Klotz, associate professor of management at Mays Business School discusses the post-COVID job industry and the return to in-person work. 

Opinion: The definitive case for the Mays business minor

Bj Barnes, Opinion columnist March 31, 2023

Haven’t got a clue what you want to do after you finish school? Get a business minor. Scared of what your parents will think if you only get a degree in philosophy? Get a business minor. Decent in every...

The John J. Koldus Building on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022.

Satire: Nothing But Engineering Bill passes senate

Ryan Lindner March 31, 2023

“Honestly, I don’t understand why we have all these other colleges when we can focus all of our attention on the majors that matter the most,” College of Engineering Senator Clancy Iguodala said...

Mugdown Satire

Satire: President Banks demands The Mugdown stop printing

Late March 31, 2023, The Mugdown staff received an ultimatum from university administration: cease online and print publication or all of its members would be expelled from Texas A&M. The Mugdown is...

A freshman takes a break from his books and makes a waffle to relax. 

Opinion: A Texas-shaped triumph

Charis Adkins October 3, 2022

I got a little story for ya, Ags. On April 16, 2022, we students entered Sbisa Dining Hall like normal, blissful in our ignorance, only to find our beloved Texas-shaped waffle makers ripped from us with...

An analog clock in a trash can in Montgomery, Texas on Monday, June 13, 2022.

Opinion: Disadvantages to technological advancement? No way man

Charis Adkins June 17, 2022

It’s 1992. You wake to the shrill beeping of your digital alarm clock. You don’t roll over to check your notifications because smartphones haven’t been invented yet. You drive to work, Boyz II Men...

Opinion writer Charis Adkins laments the loss of the Texas-shaped waffle iron and how it may impact the future of Texas A&M. 

Opinion: Don’t let his memory die

Charis Adkins April 26, 2022

On April 16, we walked into Sbisa Dining Hall, completely unaware of the tragedy that had occurred. We had no idea what an impact this loss would cause, no idea how empty Sbisa would feel from then on....

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