Freshmen from Company E-2 in the Corps of Cadets had the privilege of officially introducing themselves to Reveille IX and their seniors on Monday, Aug. 24. This process marks the beginning of fish working toward becoming Mascot Corporal at the end of freshman year.
Photos by Meredith Seaver
Cadets introduce themselves through a process called “whipping out.” It is said to come from the sound of the arm extending for a handshake. New precautions detail no handshakes in this process.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Sophomore Caroline Sauter is serving as the 2020-2021 “2nd Dog” or the mascot corporal’s right hand.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Fish meet Reveille IX through the mascot corporal. If they do not address her correctly they must go back and start again.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Sophomore Jake Walker is serving as the 2020-2021 Company E-2 guidon.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Company E-2 fish await their turn to “whip out” to Reveille.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Freshman Jaime Torres officially introduces himself to Reveille.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Freshman Levi Gholson waits as his buddies take turns “whipping out” to Rev.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
During the “whip out” freshmen learn that Reveille is from Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
When cadets introduce themselves they state their name, hometown and major while also receiving the same information from the cadet they are meeting.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Seniors from Company E-2 march out to meet the freshman class.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Senior Ryan Goolsby waits for fish to introduce themselves or “whip out.”
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
A fish introduces themself to senior Kaya Mariello.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Senior James Forlenza waits for fish to introduce themselves or “whip out.”
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Former mascot handler and current Second Regiment Commander Mia Miller meets one of the E-2 freshman.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Mascot handler Batie Bishop and Reveille watch as the fish continue “whipping out” to the senior class.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Reveille XI officially transitioned handlers at Fish Review Tuesday, Aug. 18 just before school started.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
Former mascot corporal Mia Miller pets Rev after meeting the freshman class.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver -
The freshmen officially meeting Reveille IX and “whipping out” marked the beginning of their journey to becoming mascot corporal at the end of the school year.
Photo by Photo by Meredith Seaver