A funeral service was held for Reveille VIII in the Zone Plaza Thursday morning. Reveille VII was buried with her seven predecessors on the north end of Kyle Field, facing their personal score board so they can always watch their Aggies win.
A painting of Reveille VIII with a pair of senior boots was on display.
General Joe Ramirez welcomes an attendee.
The Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band played at the service.
Reveille VIII funeral service
E-2 is the company in charge of caring for Texas A&M’s mascot.
The Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band played at the service.
University President Michael K. Young enters the VIP area.
General Joe Ramirez and University President Michael K. Young greet one another before the service.
Reveille VIII funeral service
Reveille VIII’s former handlers served as the pallbearers.
Reveille VIII’s former handlers served as the pallbearers.
Reveille VIII’s former handlers served as the pallbearers.
Reveille VIII’s casket rests near the burial site.
University President Michael K. Young addresses the crowd.
Vice President for Student Affairs Daniel Pugh spoke about his memories of Reveille VIII.
Reveille VIII funeral service
Reveille VIII funeral service
Reveille IX was present at the burial of her predecessor, Reveille VIII.
Reveille IX and her handler, sophomore Mia Miller, stand with E-2 during the service.
John Busch, Class of 2011, was Reveille VII’s first handler.
Ryan Kreider, Class of 2017, served as Reveille VIII’s last handler in the 2014-2015 school year.